Urban Scrawl continues with… Green Park

16th October 2009



By Matt Hartley. Cast: Donna Preston (Anna); Tarek Merchant (James). Directed by Clifford Milner. Studio manager: Malin Mork. Broadcast assistant: Michelle Gilmore. Recording manager: Marina Caldarone. Recorded at Rose Bruford College. For full details and disclaimer visit the ‘find out more’ section.

When I first got into London, I was desperate for a job and see there’s loads of temp recruitment agencies right by the station – and as I got out of the station I would be in the smartest thing I could wear and I’d look around me and there’d be hundreds of other young people just like me and I thought ‘Wow, everyone looks so smart and so confident in this part of the world..’. Then I realised – everyone was just like me… they were having to act this complete facade…