Audio tagged with: Sheridan Humphreys
Edinburgh 2004 Debate: How To Survive the Edinburgh Festival (2/2)
23rd July 2004
EDINBURGH 2004 DEBATE: HOW TO SURVIVE THE FESTIVAL (2/2) Sheridan Humphreys, Dominic Maxwell, Christopher Richardson and Ian Shuttleworth discuss. Plu...
Listen nowin Criticism, Edinburgh Festival and Fringe, Reviews and Roundtables
Edinburgh 2004 Debate: How To Survive the Edinburgh Festival (1/2)
23rd July 2004
EDINBURGH 2004 DEBATE: HOW TO SURVIVE THE FESTIVAL (1/2) Sheridan Humphreys, Dominic Maxwell, Christopher Richardson and Ian Shuttleworth discuss. Dom...
Listen nowin Criticism, Edinburgh Festival and Fringe, Reviews and Roundtables